Learn how to submit your KEEP claim. Click here for a walkthrough video that provides valuable information about submitting.

Customer Service
Hours: M-Th 8:30am-6pm ET

Welcome Kansas KEEP Customers!

Centered Ordered List

Ordering Instructions

  1. 1. Place the items you want to order in your cart.
  2. 2. Enter the Student's KEEP Award Number and their name (required).
        The parent/guardian name should match the name in the order shipping field.
  3. 3. Place your order. No actual payment is required at this time.
  4. 4. After your order is submitted, you will receive an order confirmation and an invoice.     Submit the invoice to KEEP for approval.
  5. 5. If you do not see an email within 24 hours, please check your spam folder or call us     at 866-440-9706.
  6. 6. Keep will notify you if the order is approved or denied.

Learn how to submit your KEEP claim. Click here for a walkthrough video that provides valuable information about submitting.
How do I find my student's Award ID?

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